Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thursday, July 16th

Yesterday I worked a 12 hour shift and I was perfect with the eating all day! 1300 calories!

This morning I ran some errands with the hubby. We added my name to his bank account, I got my new driver's liscence with my new name and new address, and we went to lunch. I came home, did a little yard work and 2 loads of laundry. I am waiting another hour or so to go outside and is BEYOND hot today. I am going to take a long walk (and hopefully jog) either at the park or the beach, we'll see.

We got great news today! I don't know if have mentioned it, but the community we live in is full of old people. We found out today that a "really young" couple is moving in a few houses down from us! I am pretty excited about this. Hopefully we will hit it off with them. We plan on stopping by in a few days to introduce ourselves and welcome them to the neighborhood.


  1. Wow. You had a busy day! I am glad there is a potential couple for you guys to meet.

  2. I'm jealous! I still have so much to do!!! I will use this as inspiration LOL!! Kudos on the new couple :)
