Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Super-Wife Day

Ok, between moving into this house and working I have barely been able to get on the computer!!! Well, we are finally fully in! How exciting! I am sitting in my living room getting ready for a SUPER-WIFE day!

Here's the plan:

*Clean 2 bathrooms (UGH, most dreadful thing on this list, we'll see how far I get)
*Vacuum entire house
*Windex glass doors (4 sets of french doors inside and out) and table tops
*2 loads of laundry...wash and fold
*Put all clothes and bathroom things away from move (this will be a job!)

*WORKOUT! (swim, run and pilates?)

*Eat right all day

*Cook chicken chilli from scratch for dinner for me and the hubby

Hope everyone has a wonderful and productive day!


  1. Dang girl that is one busy day! You will feel so much better once it's all done tho!

  2. Wow you are super wife! I am glad you are moved in and getting settled. Will we see pictures any time soon?

  3. Glad you are getting things done in the new house! We just settled on friday and it is crazy trying to move and clean and renovate, but it's so fun being productive! Keep up the good work - your hubby must be so proud of his super-wife! :)

  4. Sounds like you have lots to do!! Good luck :)
