Monday, May 11, 2009

Eating Clean: Day 1

I woke up this morning thinking about how I am going to commit to 2 weeks of clean eating and post the goal on my blog. Then I started thinking. I hate saying I am going to do something and not following through. So then I thought, ok 1 week. Well, the truth is, I don't know how long I could actually eat clean without modification. I never tried it. The only reason I want to do it without modification is to get a kick start to looking and feeling better to motivate me to keep it up better. Well, my new goal is 1 day. Thats it. 1 day. And if I decide to not do it tomorrow, no judgement, my goal was only one day.

I decided to occasionally post a few words that best describe how I look and feel in the beginning of a particular day. Here goes:

Look: bloated, breakout on face, pale, blotchy
Feel: constipated (sorry if TMI), itchy for some reason, tired, lazy

Now you know why I wanna do this, haha.

Well here goes...

BF: glass of water, plain oatmeal (100), with about 4 fresh strawberries (25) and cinnamon, 1/3 glass of skim milk (30), Snack: baby carrots (25)-this was complete torture, Lunch: 2 hardboiled eggs plus 1 egg white (180), avocado and black bean salsa I made last night (200?), few strawberries (30), Snack: 1 banana (110) and a handfull of almonds (180), Snack 2: a spoonful of almond butter (80) and a few grapes (40), Dinner: rice pasta (made from one ingredient, brown rice) (?), lentil tomato sauce from "The Eat Clean Cookbook" (?), salad (30). I was so full from the lentil sauce that I didn't even want dessert, which would have been plain Greek yogurt with fruit.

Workout: 20 min of elliptical, few lunges and shoulder presses, 1.4 mile walk/jog later in the day.


  1. Eating clean is HARD. But, the weight will FALL off. I'm trying to ease myself into it. I do a modified version. For the most part, if it comes in a box, I don't eat it. I only eat whole wheat/grain bread, so that one isn't a problem for me. I only eat brown rice.. I just stuff myself with a lot of salad and fruits and veggies. I've hopped back on the wagon, and I'm already down to 136 after my high of 139 last week.

    Good luck!

  2. Good luck with the clean eating! You will notice a lot of the "bloat" you are feeling go away because processed food carries so much extra sodium!

    The protein powder I used to buy was called "Body Fortress" and you can get it from Target or Wal-Mart. I doubt its the best quality product out there but it was cheap and did the trick for me.

    To make the protein pancakes I take 1/4 c old fashioned oats, 1/4 c fat free cottage cheese, 1/4 egg beaters (or 3 egg whites), 1/2 scoop protein powder, and 1 spenda and blend it up in the food processor (you can use a blender as well). Then just cook like any other pancake on medium heat and top however you like! Depending on the protein powder they are about 220 calories for the whole batch.

    I have been eating about 80% clean for a while now, but always completely botching things on the weekend. This morning I made the goal to eat 100% clean (aside from 1 or two splenda here and there) for this entire week...including the weekend! We can do this~!

  3. my best advice is for the beginning don't limit how much you can eat. If you are eating clean, just eat as much as you want (trust me its hard to make teh calories add up when your eating clean!!) It will help you get into the habit of choosing good clean foods, then you can work on eating a certain amount. Let me know if you have any questions!

  4. Wow, thanks ladies. I feel better knowing I am not the only one torturing myself, hehe.

    Devon, that loss is awesome. I'm glad to have my wedding twin to continue the weightloss process with. We still have to get together for a workout.

    Reese, thanks for the recipe. I'm excited to try them but I'll have to find a protein powder that is considered clean. I have no idea which ones are. I'll look into that and then whip up a batch. Is honey considered clean? Maybe I'll use that instead of Splenda.

    Nerd Girl (hehe, I feel like I am calling you a name), thanks so much. I'll try not to focus on calories or limitimg myself too much. What do you use for protein powder?
