Yes, I woke up at the crack of dawn and spent half my day at the dentist. Then I went into work because I was worried that an urgent care doctor was incorrectly dosing one of my patients and I wanted to get it straightened out. Then I got home only to clean the house and find a horrible smell under our kitchen sink (ugh, we'll have to look
into this). BUT I had a wonderful workout tonight so the day doesn't seem so bad
after all. See what those endorphins can do for you????
I was just googling some fitness stuff and I came across this picture. Have you guys ever heard of
Amanda Carrier? I hadn't. I love that the googled
site had a candid, non-airbrushed pic of the fitness model/actress.

So I looked up some more pics of the beauty.

Its times like these that make happy to be a brunette (although a lot of the time I wish I was a blond).

So here are Wednesday's eats:

Chicken breast on top of lettuce with a few olives and some p
armesan cheese. I used only red wine vinegar as the dressing.

LOOK at what I RESISTED! One of my patients gave me a red velvet cupcake. The pic is
deceiving. This thing was HUGE! I thought about bringing it home to my hubby but I didn't want him eating this junk either so I ended up giving it to my co-worker to give to her son (kids can run these things off).

I grabbed a Luna Bar as a quick snack/meal. This new flavor is awesome. I LOVE it! (I try not to eat these kinds of things too often):


Today I had a big bowl of
Kashi Go Lean before my dentist appointment because I knew I wouldn't be able to eat afterwards and I would be starving! Well, I was right. This is
embarrassing but: two weeks ago I had a crown done on my left side and it has been killing me since. I have to have a root canal on it on Monday. Today I had a crown and 3 fillings done on my right side. Luckily, no major pain on the right side but the crown is very thin so the dentist told me not to eat much with it.
Ummm HELLO!?!?!? I don't have a third side to eat with. So it is "soft foods" till
something gets resolved.
Between 3:30 and 7:30 I had a Greek yogurt, a banana, a very ripe peach and a few grapes. I also had one slice of double protein bread (which took forever to eat).
8 rounds of the following:
(7) Thrusters (with an Olympic bar-65lb)
(12) Plie Squats (using a 30lb kettle bell)
(5) Push-ups
I was so beat after this one. I decided to walk it off (1/4 mile). My legs were shaking. Probably partly due to the workout and partly due to my lack of energy/nutrition/sleep/velvet cake.
So for dinner is made this soft meal.

Soft food sucks. I ate this in 5 minutes and felt like I had nothing in my tummy. I did enjoy those 5 minutes though.
I am off to bed. Have a great night!